Dr. Salehuddin Ahmed
Former Governor of Bangladesh Bank, former Managing Director of Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF), former Director General of Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD) Comilla, former Director General of the NGO Affairs Bureau. He is a Professor in the Business School, BRAC University. Former Professor, School of Business, North South University. He has authored more than 80 books, reports and journal articles. Former Consultant for ADB, APDC, ESCAP, FAO, ILO, UNCRD, UNDP, UNESCO and the World Bank.

Dr. Muhammad Abdul Mazid
Former Secretary to the Govt. of Bangladesh &
Former Chairman, National Board of Revenue (NBR), , former Chairman of South Asian Federation of Exchanges (SAFE), Adviser of the South East Asian Cooperation (SEACO) Foundation, former member in the Bangladesh Planning Commission, former Director of the Board of Investment (BoI) and Economic Relations Division, former trade diplomat (Commercial Counselor) in the Bangladesh Embassy in Tokyo, Japan. He worked with UN Board of Auditors in UN HQ, NY; was a member of the Aid Harmonization Committee representing the Asia Pacific Group in OECD, Paris and was inducted in the Draft Committee of the Paris Declaration, 2005. He has been a member of the International Training and Development (ITD), UK, a resource person in the training academies like Bangladesh Public Administration Training Center, National Defense College, Civil Service College, Bangladesh Bank Training Academy etc. He has been a visiting faculty in the Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST) and University of Information Technology and Science (UITS). He authored 28 books on literature and Socio-economic- cultural –diplomacy.